
The Silver Crest Trails Association is an entirely volunteer-run organization. Funding for trail grooming is provided partly by a grant through the Recreational Trails Program, and partly by donations from our trail users and supporters. We appreciate your donations to help continue our trail grooming mission! We strive to provide a quality winter recreation experience at the Silver Crest Trails for many years ahead.

Please mail your donations to:

Silver Crest Trails Association
2717 3rd Ave North
Great Falls, MT  59401

You can also use the envelopes provided at the trailhead to include your donations, and slide them in the donation tube.

Or you can use

Thank you from all the Silver Crest Trails Association Volunteers!

5 Responses to Donate!

  1. Ann Peterson says:

    There were no envelopes in the donation box yesterday.

  2. Teresa Ormseth says:

    Do you have relationships with third parties for purposes of building a bench we could donate in memory of someone deceased ?

    • Bob Boland says:

      Hi Teresa… We have not forgotten about your bench idea. We think its great. We are going to look into it and make plans. I have looked into pre-fabricated bench’s. I was wondering if you had a preference of a locally made wood bench or something we could order through the internet or hardware store ? Bob Boland 406-788-6565

  3. Pingback: 50 Years XC Skiing at Silver Crest! New Snowcat!!! | Silver Crest Trails Association

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